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The Community Educators Network is a collaborative working group that is part of the Santa Fe Community Foundation's Opportunity Santa Fe: Birth to Career initiative. Our network believes we can make a greater difference together than we can alone. Rooted in this belief, we take a collective impact approach to our work.  The key pillars of a collective impact model for change are as follows:



  1. Start with a Common Agenda Come together to collectively define the problem and create a shared vision to solve it.

  2. Establish Shared Measurements Agree to track progress in the same way to allow for continuous improvement.

  3. Foster Mutually Reinforcing Activities Coordinate collective efforts to maximize the end result.

  4. Maintain Continuous Communication Build trust and relationships among all participants. Check in consistently about progress towards meeting goals.

  5. Establish Strong Backbone Support Have a team dedicated to orchestrating the work of the group.

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SFCEN uses a constellation organizational structure. This allows for shared leadership through permanent committees and committees the come in and out of existence depending on the program or event they are responsible for.


Permanent Structure

Audubon NM, SITE Santa Fe, the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, and the Santa Fe Botanical Garden are key organizations that oversee the general direction of the network and secure continual grant funding to cover our programs. The steering committee is comprised of 2 - 3 members who rotate out every six months, members serve on this committee on a voluntary basis. The steering committee is responsible for organizing the monthly lunch meetings, including speakers, topics, locations, logistics, and snacks. Opportunity Santa Fe Americorps VISTAs provide the backbone support for SFCEN in collaboration with these two permanent committees. VISTAs manage internal and external communications, program and event logistics, and other administrative tasks.



Fluctuating Structure

Subcommittees are formed to put on events or plan specific programs. Leaders of these subcommittees rotate and their existence depends upon the scope of the program or event and the time of year that is takes place. These include the Teachers Night Out event, Summer Programming, teacher trainings, and more.


Magnetic Attractors

The Magnetic Attractors are the common goals set by our community around which all of our activities are  centered. This includes improving reading, making sure all children have access to safe, engaging activities outside school hours, and ensuring teachers are prepared and supported in their classrooms. 


Shared Vision

The shared vision is our collective mission and values, articulated on our home page. It centers around equity, access to our resources, and the power and joy of collaborative work.



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Our network includes individuals who identify as educators from a wide variety of organizations. From math to art and environmental education to the circus arts, no organization is excluded or turned away for being outside of our scope of programming. Please see our ever expanding list of participating organizations below!


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Interested in joining the list?

Add your email to our newsletter list. We are always open to

expanding anddiversifying our network. Attend a meeting or

reach out to us at

We look forward to connecting with you!


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